Once upon a time, in a far far away castle, there was a beautiful young...
Wait, it was indeed a large group of awesome, international young people! They were known in more than 40 European countries as "ESNers" and they all had special powers, which were activated by the magical formula "students helping students".
If you want to know how this fantastic fairytale continues, join the enchanted ESN Uni Wien Teambuilding SS/2017!
Team building is a group-development activity used to enhance social relations and define roles within organisations with the goal to create stimulating and creative work environments.
We will spend three amazing days and two nights all together in the suggestive Burg Wildegg.
What better setting for the theme of this semester? For a weekend you will have the possibility to be the protagonist of your favourite fairytale :)
Bring some clothes, accessories or items which make you feel like your favourite hero. We will all be children again together :)
Start: Friday 28.04, meetingpoint 5 pm at Hauptbahnhof.
End: Sunday 30.04 at 1pm.
Participation fee: 5 euros.
Attention: registration needed! Please note that the spots are limited, so registration = participation :)
More details on the program are coming with the schedule and the survival guide ;)

28/04/2017 - 17:00 to 30/04/2017 - 13:00
5 euros
What's included: 
  • 2 breakfast
  • 2 dinners
  • 1 lunch
  • Coffee breaks
  • An ESNcard of this section required.