Besides helping with settling in, finding a buddy and answering all your questions that might come up, we organize several activities so that it doesn't take you too long to find your most favourite people & places in Vienna.
Welcome Week
The big semester kick-off event is our welcome week at the beginning of each semester with activities to get to know Vienna and your fellow exchange students like university tour, welcome dinner, speedfriending, pub quizzes, city tour, phototour challenge and our big welcome party and typical Vienna events like Schnitzel eating, beer or wine tasting, expeditions to Lainzer Tiergarten, Zentralfriedhof or Wilhelminenberg.
During the semester we have all kinds of events, e.g. cultural ones like our ballroom dancing course, pub quiz, wine tasting, monthly museum day etc. and a bunch of different ones like international karaoke, tram party, international cantus, lasertag, BBQs, partys at different clubs, and we also host a weekly Stammtisch every Thursday in different student bars.
We also offer many trips within Austria (e.g. Traditional Upper Austria trip, Neusiedlersee, Wachau, Mariazell) and to our neighbour countries (e.g. Croatia and Slovenia, Romania, Serbia and Hungary), some of them are 3-4 days long, others are just a day trip.
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