Hey latin dancers!  Are you up for soaking up some Latin dance spirit?  ***************************************************************************** Then this is your chance this new semester to awaken your salsa skills 🔥🎶 Join our workshop for beginners with Fernando from Peru. No partner & no skills needed!  We will do a little chillout with salsa music after the 1h workshop. You might also join our Stammtisch event afterwards!  See you soon!  ► WHERE? * Down Under (Magdalenenstrasse 32 - close to U4 Pilgramgasse)  ► WHEN? * on Thursday, November 11th. We will meet at 6.45 pm, as the event starts at 7 sharp, so be there 15 minutes early for registration (no dancing without registration > Covid safety measures!)  ► HOW MUCH? * it’s free, but everyone needs to pay € 2 for reserving the location, so please bring 2€ in cash * maybe bring some coins to grab a drink there  ► WHAT TO BRING? * comfortable clothes and motivation * Proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 (2G-Rule) * a FFP2 mask, it's mandatory to wear it during the event!  ► HOW TO SIGN UP? * Just click on this link, fill out the form and you are ready to go! https://registrations.esnaustria.org/esnuniwien/qyey8/  Please cancel your order on time if you can’t come anymore!
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT ___________________________________________________ By attending this event, you agree to the publication of photos and videos taken during the event.  By registering for this event you agree to conduct yourself in an appropriate, respectful manner towards the other participants.  By attending the following event you agree to follow the instructions of the ESN Team at the location regarding the COVID-19 Safety Measures and to adhere to the rules that they set out. You agree to not attend the event if you show any Covid-related symptoms.  By attending this event, you ensure that you are either vaccinated or recovered of COVID-19 (2G-Rule). You are required to notify the ESN Uni Wien Team immediately, in case you are tested positive for COVID-19 after attending said event. |
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