Welcome to one of the most important pages for your stay in Vienna! We, ESN Uni Wien, are here to organize events for all incoming exchange students. Get ready to explore the city, engage in sports, make new
friends, and of course, party! To kick things off, we have planned WELCOME WEEKS filled with a diverse and exciting program of events to suit every taste. Watch as strangers become friends and Vienna turns into your second home. These events often have limited spots, so keep an eye out for announcements here or on Instagram (@esnuniwien)!
When? 23.09.2024 - 06.10.2024
Where? All over Vienna
Usually, the registration period for our events start a week before the event takes place. Nevertheless, there can be exceptions if. e.g. we must make reservations and tell the partners how many participants there will be etc. Then the registration may open sooner, e.g. a week before the registration period ends. At least for free events the registration is usually open until shortly before the start of the event but again, due to certain circumstances there may be exceptions.
See you soon!
Your ESN Uni Wien team
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